28 JUNE 2020
As we begin to shake off lock down and return to a world dramatically altered by COVID-19, it is hard not to see a glimmer of hope amongst the devastation. Right now, Australia has huge opportunity to make our recovery a green recovery; boosting our economy, creating jobs in the tens of thousands, building renewable energy infrastructure and more, while at the same time, drastically reducing our emissions. The silver lining of COVID-19 is that it has handed this opportunity for action to us all.
Sadly, the government remains steadfastly in denial.
So, we decided it was time to show people the incredible world that awaits, if we just have the political will to make it happen. Market and industry forces will get us there, but the critical factor is time, we have very little time left to make this transition. We need people pressure to make sure that the government understands, without a shadow of a doubt, that Australians want action on human-caused climate change.
And so, #OptimismandAction was born!
What is it?
An online event to help you feel inspired and be part of the change! Something to help us focus us back on the issue of the climate and ecological crisis with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.
The Peoples Climate Assembly presents a special free screening of the movie 2040 followed by a discussion and a meet and greet session with some of our coalition - climate groups active in the ACT and nationally.
How did it work?
Be inspired by 2040’s vision of a green, clean and prosperous future that is possible now, a future the PCA members are fighting for.

Join us after the movie for a chat and learn how you can take your first step (or another step) towards becoming more active and standing up for a better future, the future we all deserve.
How did it go?
Very well! The event was limited to 100 attendees and we SOLD OUT! The Part 2. event was well attended and full of great thoughts, inspiration and positivity. We all left feeling full of optimism and ready to confront this crisis with action.
Thank you to all involved for making the event such a success and particularly to all of the ACT-based groups from the organisations below who took the time to be involved and share what motivates them to take action!
The cost of screening the movie was underwritten by the PCA so it could be watched for free. However many participants generously chose to our 'donate to watch' option so we were able cover costs. Thank you!
Want to take action?
We followed up with participants following the event to provide plenty of pathways to action, if you would like to learn more about what you can do or you are interested in future #Optimismand Action events, please contact us.
Click on any of the logos above to learn more about how you can get involved with or support each organisation.
Finally, the 2040 website is full of ideas and resources to help you take action. So what are you waiting for?