The Peoples Assembly (PCA) is a coalition from a wide cross-section of climate and environmental groups who are working together towards the same goal, to help save our environment and ensure a renewable and sustainable future for all.
Different groups sign on to be involved in specific actions that the PCA leads and coordinates.
Some of the groups involved include:
Extinction Rebellion (including ACT, NSW [including a number of regional groups] and VIC)
School Strike for Climate (ACT and nationally)
Front Line Action on Coal
New Dreaming 2020
Knitting Nannas and Friends
The Conservation Council
The Greens
Architects Declare Australia
Engineers Declare Australia
Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA)
Climate and Health Alliance
Doctors for the Environment
ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change)
If you would like your organisation to be involved with the Peoples Climate Assembly, please contact us.
To raise our voices as a collective to demand that the Australian Government declare a climate and ecological emergency NOW and take real and urgent action to protect our future.
The Australian Government must be honest about the severity of climate change and the impacts it will have and is having on Australians - without fudging the numbers or cheating the system. Corruption has no place in our country.
The Australian Government must listen to the experts from across the world who have reached consensus and provide irrefutable evidence of human caused climate change. They must stop politicising climate action and subverting it in favour of fossil fuel profits, politics and power.
The Australian Government must declare a climate emergency and take true, meaningful and urgent action to transition urgently to renewable energy. Commit to no new coal or gas projects and provide urgent support for Australians, our wildlife and our land. As well as a just transition for fossil fuel workers.
We believe in non-violent action that makes an impact.
We believe in the science and have significant and convincing physical proof that its denial by politicians is having grave impacts on our people, places and wildlife.
We encourage strong voices, long conversations and a willingness to educate.
We work closely and respectfully with the First Nations people and acknowledge that we gather on their land and sovereignty was never ceded.